Python Shop Management System Project with Source Code

We all go shopping to buy products of our requirement. We all would have observed that the shops are moving towards digital systems for bill computation. In this Python project, we will be building such a shop management system to manage the shop products and bills.

About Shop Management System

Shop management is an application that helps in managing the products and tracking the sales in the shop. This is a project that not only reduces labor and time but also helps the user have a record of the sales in a database.

Shop Management System using Python

We will build this project using the Tkinter and MySQL Connector modules in Python. We use the MySQL Connector to store the details in a table and access them. Using this we will build GUI where the user gets to do the following:

  1. Add a product
  2. Delete a product
  3. View all products
  4. Generate a bill and store it in a database

Download Python Shop Management System Project

You can download the source code for the project using the link: Shop Management System Project

Project Prerequisites

Prior knowledge on Python, the Tkinter module, and MySQL queries would help the developer while building this project. You can install the above modules using the following commands.

pip install mysql-connector
pip install tkinter

Project File Structure

The following steps are to be followed to build Python shop management system project:

1. Importing the modules

2. Connecting to database and creating tables

3. Creating the main window

4. Function to add product

5. Function to delete product

6. Function to view all products

7. Function to create a new bill

1. Importing the modules

The first step is to import the tkinter and mysql connector modules

#Importing the required modules
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import messagebox
import mysql.connector

Code explanation:

a.  font in tkinter is used to set the font of the text.
b.  messagebox helps in showing the pop up messages.

2. Connecting to database and creating tables

#Connecting to the database and creating table
my_cursor=db.cursor() #getting the cursor object
my_cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS Shop") #creating the database named library

#query to create a table products
query="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products (date VARCHAR(10),prodName VARCHAR(20), prodPrice VARCHAR(50))" 
my_cursor.execute(query) #executing the query

#query to create a table sale
query="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sale (custName VARCHAR(20), date VARCHAR(10), prodName VARCHAR(30),qty INTEGER, price INTEGER )" 
my_cursor.execute(query) #executing the query

Code explanation:

a.  connect(): It is used to connect to the database server on your device using the username and password.
b.  cursor(): The cursor object helps in executing the SQL queries.
c.  execute(): This executes the command given as input.

3. Creating the main window

Now, we create the main window with buttons to do the following operations:

a.  Add a product

b.  Delete a product

c.  View all products

d.  Generate a bill and store it in a database

#Creating the main window
wn = tkinter.Tk() 
wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")

headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg="snow3",bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.6,relheight=0.16)
headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="Welcome to PythonGeeks \n Shop Management System", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)

#Button to add a new product
btn1 = Button(wn,text="Add a Product",bg='LightBlue1', fg='black', width=20,height=2, command=addProd)
btn1['font'] = font.Font( size=12),y=175)

#Button to delete a product
btn2 = Button(wn,text="Delete a Product",bg='misty rose', fg='black',width=20,height=2,command=delProd)
btn2['font'] = font.Font( size=12),y=255)

#Button to view all products
btn3 = Button(wn,text="View Products",bg='old lace', fg='black',width=20,height=2,command=viewProds)
btn3['font'] = font.Font( size=12),y=335)

#Button to add a new sale and generate bill
btn4 = Button(wn,text="New Customer",bg='lavender blush2', fg='black', width=20,height=2,command = newCust)
btn4['font'] = font.Font( size=12),y=415)


Code explanation:

a.  title(): It displays the title on the top of the window.

b.  config(): It sets the background color of the window.

c.  geometry(): It sets the length and width of the window.

d.  Frame(): It creates a Frame, a rectangular object that holds various widgets, on the screen.

e.  place(): This is used to locate the widgets in a particular position based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.

f.  Label(): This creates a label to show text.

g.  Button(): This creates a button with mentioned properties and the command parameter represents the function that executed on pressing the button.

h.  mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till manually closed by the user.

4. Function to add product

In this step, we create a window to take input of product details from the user and then add it to the database.

#Function to add the product to the database
def prodtoTable():
    #Getting the user inputs of product details from the user 
    pname= prodName.get()
    price = prodPrice.get()
    dt = date.get()
    #Connecting to the database
    cursor = db.cursor()
    #query to add the product details to the table
    query = "INSERT INTO products(date,prodName,prodPrice) VALUES(%s,%s,%s)" 
    details = (dt,pname,price)

    #Executing the query and showing the pop up message
        messagebox.showinfo('Success',"Product added successfully")
    except Exception as e:
        print("The exception is:",e)
        messagebox.showinfo("Error","Trouble adding data into Database")
#Function to get details of the product to be added
def addProd(): 
    global prodName, prodPrice, date, Canvas1,  wn
    #Creating the window
    wn = tkinter.Tk() 
    wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
    wn.configure(bg='mint cream')

    Canvas1 = Canvas(wn)
    headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg='LightBlue1',bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.5,relheight=0.13)
    headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="Add a Product", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)

    labelFrame = Frame(wn),rely=0.4,relwidth=0.8,relheight=0.4)
    # Getting Date
    lable1 = Label(labelFrame,text="Date : ", fg='black'),rely=0.3, relheight=0.08)
    date = Entry(labelFrame),rely=0.3, relwidth=0.62, relheight=0.08)
    # Product Name
    lable2 = Label(labelFrame,text="Product Name : ", fg='black'),rely=0.45, relheight=0.08)
    prodName = Entry(labelFrame),rely=0.45, relwidth=0.62, relheight=0.08)
    # Product Price
    lable3 = Label(labelFrame,text="Product Price : ", fg='black'),rely=0.6, relheight=0.08)
    prodPrice = Entry(labelFrame),rely=0.6, relwidth=0.62, relheight=0.08)
    #Add Button
    Btn = Button(wn,text="ADD",bg='#d1ccc0', fg='black',command=prodtoTable),rely=0.85, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)
    Quit= Button(wn,text="Quit",bg='#f7f1e3', fg='black',command=wn.destroy),rely=0.85, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)

Code explanation:

a.  title(): It displays the title on the top of the window.

b.  config(): It sets the background color of the window.

c.  geometry(): It sets the length and width of the window.

d.  Frame(): It creates a Frame, a rectangular object that holds various widgets, on the screen.

e.  place(): This is used to locate the widgets in a particular position based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.

f.  Label(): This creates a label to show text.

g.  Entry(): This widget takes the input from the user.

h.  Button(): This creates a button with mentioned properties and the command parameter represents the function executed on pressing the button.

i.  mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till manually closed by the user.

j.  connect(): It is used to connect to the database server on your device using the username and password.

k.  cursor(): The cursor object helps in executing the SQL queries.

l.  execute(): This executes the command given as input.

5. Function to delete product

In this step, we create a window to take input of product name from the user. And then delete the details of that product from the database.

#Function to remove the product from the database
def removeProd():
    #Getting the product name from the user to be removed
    name = prodName.get()
    name = name.lower()
    #Connecting to the database
    cursor = db.cursor()
    #Query to delete the respective product from the database
    query = "DELETE from products where LOWER(prodName) = '"+name+"'"
   #Executing the query and showing the message box

        messagebox.showinfo('Success',"Product Record Deleted Successfully")

    except Exception as e:
        print("The exception is:",e)
        messagebox.showinfo("Please check Product Name")
#Function to get product details from the user to be deleted
def delProd(): 

    global prodName, Canvas1,  wn
    #Creating a window
    wn = tkinter.Tk() 
    wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
    wn.configure(bg='mint cream')

    Canvas1 = Canvas(wn)
    Canvas1.config(bg="misty rose")
    headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg="misty rose",bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.5,relheight=0.13)
    headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="Delete Product", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
    labelFrame = Frame(wn),rely=0.3,relwidth=0.8,relheight=0.5)   
    # Product Name to Delete
    lable = Label(labelFrame,text="Product Name : ", fg='black'),rely=0.5)
    prodName = Entry(labelFrame),rely=0.5, relwidth=0.62)
    #Delete Button
    Btn = Button(wn,text="DELETE",bg='#d1ccc0', fg='black',command=removeProd),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)
    Quit = Button(wn,text="Quit",bg='#f7f1e3', fg='black', command=wn.destroy),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)

Code explanation:

a.  title(): It displays the title on the top of the window.

b.  config(): It sets the background color of the window.

c.  geometry(): It sets the length and width of the window.

d.  Frame(): It creates a Frame, a rectangular object that holds various widgets, on the screen.

e.  place(): This is used to locate the widgets in a particular position based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.

f.  Label(): This creates a label to show text.

g.  Entry(): This widget takes the input from the user.

h.  Button(): This creates a button with mentioned properties and the command parameter represents the function executed on pressing the button.

i.  mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till manually closed by the user.

j.  connect(): It is used to connect to the database server on your device using the username and password.

k.  cursor(): The cursor object helps in executing the SQL queries.

l.  execute(): This executes the command given as input.

6. Function to view all products

In this step we connect to the database, get the details of all the products and show them on the screen.

#Function to show all the products in the database
def viewProds():
    global  wn
    #Creating the window to show the products details
    wn = tkinter.Tk() 
    wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
    wn.configure(bg='mint cream')

    Canvas1 = Canvas(wn) 
    Canvas1.config(bg="old lace")

    headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg='old lace',bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.5,relheight=0.13)

    headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="View Products", fg='black', font = ('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
    labelFrame = Frame(wn),rely=0.3,relwidth=0.8,relheight=0.5)
    y = 0.25

    #Connecting to database
    #query to select all products from the table
    query = 'SELECT * FROM products'
    Label(labelFrame, text="%-50s%-50s%-50s"%('Date','Product','Price'),font = ('calibri',11,'bold'),
    Label(labelFrame, text = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------",fg='black').place (relx=0.05,rely=0.2)
    #Executing the query and showing the products details
        res = cursor.fetchall() 
        for i in res:
            Label(labelFrame,text="%-50s%-50s%-50s"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
            y += 0.1
    except Exception as e:
        print("The exception is:",e)
        messagebox.showinfo("Failed to fetch files from database")
    Quit= Button(wn,text="Quit",bg='#f7f1e3', fg='black', command=wn.destroy),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)

Code explanation:

a.  title(): It displays the title on the top of the window.

b.  config(): It sets the background color of the window.

c.  geometry(): It sets the length and width of the window.

d.  Frame(): It creates a Frame, a rectangular object that holds various widgets, on the screen.

e.  place(): This is used to locate the widgets in a particular position based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.

f.  Label(): This creates a label to show text.

g.  Entry(): This widget takes the input from the user.

h.  Button(): This creates a button with mentioned properties and the command parameter represents the function that executed on pressing the button.

i.  mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till manually closed by the user.

j.  connect(): It is used to connect to the database server on your device using the username and password.

k.  cursor(): The cursor object helps in executing the SQL queries.

l.  execute(): This executes the command given as input.

7. Function to create a new bill

In this step we create a window to take input of quantities for each product to be brought. If not required to buy, that entry is left empty. Then on clicking the button to generate a bill, we calculate the price and show the final bill details from the user.

#Function to generate the bill
def bill():
    #Creating a window
    wn = tkinter.Tk() 
    wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
    wn.configure(bg='lavender blush2')

    headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg="lavender blush2",bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.6,relheight=0.16)
    headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="Bill", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
    labelFrame = Frame(wn),rely=0.3,relwidth=0.8,relheight=0.5)
    y = 0.35
    Label(labelFrame, text="%-40s%-40s%-40s%-40s"%('Product','Price','Quantity','Total'),font = ('calibri',11,'bold'),
    #Getting date and customer name
    #Connecting to database
    #query to select all the products 
    query = 'SELECT * FROM products'
    #Checking if the quantity of the 1st product is entered and calculating price, showing it on window  and adding to database 
    if(len(name1.get()) != 0):
        Label(labelFrame,text="%-40s%-40s%-40s%-40s"%(i[1],i[2],qty,total) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
        query = "INSERT INTO sale(custName,date,prodName,qty,price) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" 
        details = (cName,dt,i[1],qty,total)
    #Checking if the quantity of the 2nd product is entered and calculating price, showing it on window  and adding to database 
    if(len(name2.get()) != 0):
        Label(labelFrame,text="%-40s%-40s%-40s%-40s"%(i[1],i[2],qty,total) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
        query = "INSERT INTO sale(custName,date,prodName,qty,price) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" 
        details = (cName,dt,i[1],qty,total)
    #Checking if the quantity of the 3rd product is entered and calculating price, showing it on window  and adding to database 
    if(len(name3.get()) != 0):
        Label(labelFrame,text="%-40s%-40s%-40s%-40s"%(i[1],i[2],qty,total) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
        query = "INSERT INTO sale(custName,date,prodName,qty,price) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" 
        details = (cName,dt,i[1],qty,total)
    #showing total of the bill
    Label(labelFrame, text = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",fg='black').place (relx=0.05,rely=y)
    Label(labelFrame,text="\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"+str(totalBill) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
    Quit = Button(wn,text="Quit",bg='#f7f1e3', fg='black', command=wn.destroy),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)
#Function to take the inputs form the user to generate bill    
def newCust():    
    global wn,name1,name2,name3,date,custName
    #Creating a window
    wn = tkinter.Tk() 
    wn.title("PythonGeeks Shop Management System")
    wn.configure(bg='lavender blush2')

    headingFrame1 = Frame(wn,bg="lavender blush2",bd=5),rely=0.1,relwidth=0.6,relheight=0.16)
    headingLabel = Label(headingFrame1, text="New Customer", fg='grey19', font=('Courier',15,'bold')),rely=0, relwidth=1, relheight=1)
    lable1 = Label(wn,text="Date : ", fg='black'),rely=0.3, )
    #Getting date
    date = Entry(wn),rely=0.3, relwidth=0.62)
    lable2 = Label(wn,text="Customer Name : ", fg='black'),rely=0.4, )
    #Getting customer name
    custName = Entry(wn),rely=0.4, relwidth=0.62)
    labelFrame = Frame(wn),rely=0.45,relwidth=0.8,relheight=0.4)
    y = 0.3
    Label(labelFrame, text="Please enter the quantity of the products you want to buy",font = ('calibri',11,'bold'),
    Label(labelFrame, text="%-50s%-50s%-30s"%('Product','Price','Quantity'),font = ('calibri',11,'bold'),
    #Connecting to the database
    query = 'SELECT * FROM products'

    res = cursor.fetchall() 
    #Showing all the products and creating entries to take the input of the quantity
    Label(labelFrame,text="%-50s%-50s"%(i[1],i[2]) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
    name1 = Entry(labelFrame),rely=y, relwidth=0.2)
    y += 0.1
    Label(labelFrame,text="%-50s%-50s"%(i[1],i[2]) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
    name2 = Entry(labelFrame),rely=y, relwidth=0.2)
    y += 0.1
    Label(labelFrame,text="%-50s%-50s"%(i[1],i[2]) ,fg='black').place(relx=0.07,rely=y)
    name3 = Entry(labelFrame),rely=y, relwidth=0.2)
    y += 0.1
     #Button to generate bill
    Btn= Button(wn,text="Generate Bill",bg='#d1ccc0', fg='black',command=bill),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)
    Quit = Button(wn,text="Quit",bg='#f7f1e3', fg='black', command=wn.destroy),rely=0.9, relwidth=0.18,relheight=0.08)


Code explanation:

a.  title(): It displays the title on the top of the window.

b.  config(): It sets the background color of the window.

c.  geometry(): It sets the length and width of the window.

d.  Frame(): It creates a Frame, a rectangular object that holds various widgets, on the screen.

e.  place(): This is used to locate the widgets in a particular position based on coordinates or relative to the parent component.

f.  Label(): This creates a label to show text.

g.  Entry(): This widget takes the input from the user.

h.  Button(): This creates a button with mentioned properties and the command parameter represents the function executed on pressing the button.

i.  mainloop(): This makes sure the screen runs till manually closed by the user.

j.  connect(): It is used to connect to the database server on your device using the username and password.

k.  cursor(): The cursor object helps in executing the SQL queries.

l.  execute(): This executes the command given as input

Output of Python Shop Management System Project

Fig 1. The image of the main window

python shop management system output

Fig 2. The image of viewing all the products

view all products in shop

Fig 3. The image of showing adding a product to a bill

adding product to bill

Fig 4. The image of a bill generated

invoice bill generated


Hurray! We have successfully built the Shop Management System project using Python. We got to use the Tkinter and mysql connector modules. Hope you enjoyed building with us!

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8 Responses

  1. rathnakar says:

    error name res is not defined

  2. Meet Patel says:

    the buttons in the window are not working

  3. Avishi says:

    please tell how can we solve this error

  4. Mahrez says:

    My features project

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