Handling Missing Keys With the Python defaultdict Type

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As a Python programmer, you may come across situations where you need to handle missing keys in a dictionary. The built-in ‘dict’ type raises a ‘KeyError’ when a missing key is accessed. To overcome this issue, Python provides a ‘defaultdict’ type in the ‘collections’ module. In this blog, we will explore how to use the ‘defaultdict’ type to handle missing keys in Python dictionaries.

The ‘defaultdict’ type is a subclass of the built-in ‘dict’ type that overrides one method, ‘__missing__’, to provide a default value for missing keys. When a missing key is accessed, the ‘__missing__’ method is called with the key as its argument. If a default value is provided when creating the ‘defaultdict’, it is returned for missing keys. Otherwise, the default value is ‘None’.

Features of Python DefaultDict

Here are some key features of ‘defaultdict’:

1. It can be initialized with a default factory function to provide a default value for missing keys.

2. The factory function is called with no arguments to provide the default value.

3. The factory function can be any callable object, such as a function, lambda expression, or class.

4. The default value can be any object, not just a primitive data type.

Using a ‘defaultdict’ can simplify the code needed to handle missing keys in a dictionary. Instead of checking for the existence of a key with ‘if key in my_dict:’ and then accessing the value with ‘my_dict[key]’, you can simply access the value with ‘my_dict[key]’ and let the ‘defaultdict’ handle the missing key.


Let’s consider an example where we need to count the number of occurrences of each word in a list of strings. We can create a ‘defaultdict’ with a default factory function that returns ‘0’ for missing keys. Then we can iterate over each word in the list and increment its count in the ‘defaultdict’.

from collections import defaultdict

words = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'apple', 'banana', 'apple']
word_count = defaultdict(int)

for word in words:
    word_count[word] += 1



defaultdict(<class ‘int’>, {‘apple’: 3, ‘banana’: 2, ‘cherry’: 1})

Popular Algorithms to Handle missing keys in Python Dictionary:

Python dictionaries are key-value pairs that are useful for storing and retrieving data in a structured way. However, when trying to access a key that does not exist in the dictionary, Python throws a KeyError. In this blog, we will discuss the various algorithms to handle missing keys in Python dictionaries.

1. Python get() method:

One of the simplest ways to handle missing keys in Python dictionaries is to use the get() method. This method returns the value of the key if it exists, else it returns the default value provided as an argument.

# creating a dictionary
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

# accessing an existing key
print(d.get('a'))   # output: 1

# accessing a non-existing key
print(d.get('d', 'Key not found'))   # output: Key not found

In the above example, get(‘a’) returns the value of the key ‘a’ as it exists in the dictionary. However, get(‘d’, ‘Key not found’) returns the default value ‘Key not found’ as the key ‘d’ does not exist in the dictionary.

2. Python setdefault() method:

Another method to handle missing keys in Python dictionaries is to use the setdefault() method. This method returns the value of the key if it exists, else it creates a new key with the default value provided as an argument.

# creating a dictionary
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

# accessing an existing key
print(d.setdefault('a', 4))   # output: 1

# accessing a non-existing key
print(d.setdefault('d', 4))   # output: 4

# dictionary after setdefault()
print(d)   # output: {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

In the above example, setdefault(‘a’, 4) returns the value of the key ‘a’ as it exists in the dictionary. However, setdefault(‘d’, 4) creates a new key ‘d’ with the default value 4 as the key ‘d’ does not exist in the dictionary.

3. Python defaultdict type:

The defaultdict type is a subclass of the Python dict type that provides a default value for missing keys. This default value is specified when creating the defaultdict object. If a key does not exist in the dictionary, it returns the default value.

from collections import defaultdict

# creating a defaultdict
d = defaultdict(int)

# accessing an existing key
d['a'] = 1
print(d['a'])   # output: 1

# accessing a non-existing key
print(d['d'])   # output: 0

# defaultdict after accessing non-existing key
print(d)   # output: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'a': 1, 'd': 0})

In the above example, defaultdict(int) creates a dictionary with default value 0. When d[‘a’] = 1 is executed, it sets the value of key ‘a’ to 1. However, when d[‘d’] is accessed, it returns the default value 0 and creates a new key ‘d’ with value 0.

These are the three popular algorithms to handle missing keys in Python dictionaries. By using these techniques, we can avoid the KeyError that is thrown when trying to access a non-existing key in a dictionary.

Python defaultdict

Let’s dive deeper into the defaultdict type.

One of the important features of defaultdict is that it returns a default value for a non-existent key instead of raising a KeyError. This makes it ideal for use cases where you need a default value for missing keys.

For example, consider a case where you are counting the number of occurrences of each letter in a string using a dictionary. You can use defaultdict to avoid writing additional code to check whether a key exists or not.

Here’s an example code snippet:

from collections import defaultdict

string = "hello world"
letter_count = defaultdict(int)
for letter in string:
    letter_count[letter] += 1

In the above code, we are creating a defaultdict named letter_count with an initial value of int. We are then iterating over each letter in the string and incrementing the count of that letter in the letter_count dictionary.

When we try to access a non-existent key, defaultdict automatically creates a new key with the default value 0 and returns it. This saves us from the trouble of checking if the key exists or not, and also allows us to write concise and readable code.

Another use case of defaultdict is when you want to group items in a sequence based on a particular key. Here’s an example code snippet:

from collections import defaultdict

students = [("John", "A"), ("Jane", "B"), ("Bob", "A"), ("Alice", "C")]

grades = defaultdict(list)
for name, grade in students:


In the above code, we are creating a defaultdict named grades with an initial value of a list. We are then iterating over each student tuple and appending the name to the list corresponding to their grade.

This results in a dictionary where the keys are the grades and the values are lists of student names with that grade.

Using defaultdict can help simplify your code and make it more readable by avoiding the need to manually initialise keys and handle KeyError exceptions.

Overall, defaultdict is a very useful type in Python for handling missing keys in dictionaries and simplifying your code. With its default value feature, you can easily create dictionaries with default values for missing keys without having to write additional code.


Handling missing keys in a dictionary is a common task in Python programming. The ‘defaultdict’ type in the ‘collections’ module provides a simple and efficient way to handle missing keys with minimal code. By using a ‘defaultdict’, you can avoid the need for complex ‘if’ statements and make your code more readable and concise. So, start using ‘defaultdict’ in your code to simplify the handling of missing keys in dictionaries.

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