Managing Multiple Python Versions With pyenv

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Have you ever found yourself needing to work with different versions of Python for various projects? Managing multiple Python installations can be a challenging task. However, there is a solution that can simplify the process and make it more efficient: pyenv.

In this article, we’ll explore pyenv, a powerful tool that allows you to manage and switch between multiple Python versions effortlessly. Whether you’re a Python developer or someone who regularly works with Python, pyenv can significantly improve your workflow and help you avoid version compatibility issues. Let’s dive in and learn how to start managing multiple Python versions with pyenv!

Pyenv is a command-line tool that enables you to install, manage, and switch between multiple versions of Python on your system. It provides a convenient way to control different Python installations and seamlessly switch between them based on project requirements. Pyenv helps you avoid conflicts between Python versions and ensures that each project uses the appropriate Python environment.

Topics Covered:

  • Installation and setup of pyenv
  • Managing Python versions with pyenv
  • Setting the global and local Python version
  • Creating virtual environments with pyenv
  • Installing packages and dependencies with pyenv
  • Uninstalling Python versions
  • Pros and cons of using pyenv
  • Conclusion

Installation and Setup of pyenv:

Prior to utilizing pyenv, it is necessary to install it on your system. The installation procedure may differ based on the operating system you are using.

Let’s walk through the general steps to install and configure pyenv:

1. Visit the official pyenv GitHub repository.

2. Follow the installation instructions provided in the README file for your specific operating system.

3. Verify that pyenv has been installed correctly by running the following command in your terminal: $ pyenv –version

$ pyenv install --list


Available versions:

Managing Python Versions with pyenv:

Once you have pyenv installed, you can easily manage multiple Python versions on your system.

Here are some of the key commands and operations you can perform with pyenv:

  • List all available Python versions: $ pyenv versions
  • Install a specific Python version: $ pyenv install <version>
  • Specify the desired Python version as the global version using the command: $ pyenv global <version>.
  • Set the local Python version for a specific project: $ pyenv local <version>
  • Switch between installed Python versions: $ pyenv shell <version>
$ pyenv install 3.9.6


Downloading Python-3.9.6.tar.xz…
Installing Python-3.9.6…
Installed Python-3.9.6 to ~/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6

Setting the Global and Local Python Version:

With pyenv, you have the flexibility to set a global Python version that will be used by default across all your projects. Additionally, you can set a local Python version specific to a particular project. This ensures that each project uses the appropriate Python environment without interfering with others.

$ pyenv global 3.9.6

Creating Virtual Environments with pyenv:

Pyenv also supports the creation of virtual environments, which provide isolated Python environments for your projects. Virtual environments allow you to install project-specific packages and dependencies without affecting the global Python installation.

Here’s how you can create a virtual environment with pyenv:

1. Create a new directory for your project: $ mkdir myproject && cd myproject
2. Create a virtual environment with a specific Python version: $ pyenv virtualenv <python_version> myenv
3. Activate the virtual environment: $ pyenv activate myenv

$ pyenv virtualenv 3.9.6 myenv


Installing myenv-3.9.6…
Installed myenv-3.9.6 to ~/.pyenv/versions/myenv

Installing Packages and Dependencies with pyenv:

Once you have set up your desired Python version and virtual environment, you can install packages and dependencies using common Python package managers such as pip. Activate the relevant Python version and virtual environment before installing packages to ensure they are installed in the correct environment.

Activate a virtual environment:

$ pyenv activate myenv

Deactivate a virtual environment:

$ pyenv deactivate

Uninstalling Python Versions:

If you no longer need a particular Python version, you can easily uninstall it with pyenv. This can help free up disk space and keep your system tidy. To uninstall a Python version, use the following command:

$ pyenv uninstall <version>

Pros and Cons of Using pyenv:

Using pyenv offers several advantages, but it’s essential to consider both the benefits and drawbacks before incorporating it into your workflow.

Here are some pros and cons of using pyenv:


  • Easy management of multiple Python versions
  • Seamless switching between Python versions for different projects
  • Isolated environments to avoid dependency conflicts
  • Simplified installation and removal of Python versions


  • Requires additional setup and configuration
  • Can introduce complexity, especially for beginners
  • May require additional disk space to store multiple Python installations


Managing multiple Python versions is made easy with pyenv. In this article, we explored how pyenv can help streamline your Python development workflow by allowing you to install, switch between, and manage multiple Python versions effortlessly.

We covered the installation process, managing Python versions, creating virtual environments, installing packages, and uninstalling Python versions. By using pyenv, you can ensure compatibility and consistency across your projects, saving time and effort in the long run.

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