Python Student Management System – Simplify Your School Operations

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In this project, we will learn how to create a simple Student Management System using the Python libraries Tkinter and sqlite3. Tkinter is a built-in library for creating GUI applications in Python, and sqlite3 is a library for working with SQLite databases.

Together, these libraries will allow us to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for our Student Management System, which will allow us to add, search, and delete student records, and store them in a database.

About Python Student Management System

The objective of this project is to guide you through the process of creating a simple Student Management System using tkinter and sqlite3, and to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to create similar programs in the future. By the end of this project, you will have a working Student Management System that you can use to store and manage student records.

Prerequisites for Student Management System using Python

  • Basic knowledge of Python programming
  • Latest version of Python 3 installed on your system
  • Tkinter and Sqlite libraries needs to be installed in your system

You can install tkinter using pip, the package installer for Python. Open your command prompt or terminal and type in the following command one by one:

pip install tk

Note: You don’t need to install sqlite3, because it is included in the standard library (since Python 2.5).

Download Python Student Management System Project

Please download the source code of Python Student Management System Project from the following link: Python Student Management System Project Code

Steps to Create Student Management System using Python

Following are the steps for developing the python Student Management System project:

Step 1. Importing necessary libraries

The first step in creating our Student Management System is to import the necessary libraries. We will be using tkinter to create the GUI, sqlite3 to connect to and interact with the SQLite database, and messagebox and os to display error messages and navigate the file system respectively.

#importing required libraries
import tkinter as tk
import sqlite3
from tkinter import messagebox
import os
from tkinter import ttk

Step 2: Creating the main window

In this step, we will create the main window for our Student Management System using the Tk() function from the tkinter library. We will set the background color, icon, window size and title of the application. This creates the basic layout and design of our application, providing a framework for us to build the rest of the program on.

# Tkinter theme
window = tk.Tk()

# Set logo to application for macOS
img = tk.Image('photo', file=os.path .join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "DataFlair.png")) 'wm','iconphoto', window._w, img)

# Set icon to application for Windows
window.iconbitmap(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "DataFlair.ico"))

# Set window size

# Set window title
window.title("DataFlair - School Management System")

Step 3: Connecting to the Database

In this step, we will connect to a SQLite database and create a table to store the student records. We use the sqlite3 library to connect to the database “Student.db” and create a cursor to execute SQL commands. Then, we use the cursor to create a table named “student” if it doesn’t already exist, with columns for storing the student details and constraints defined for the columns.

# Connect to database
mydb = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Student.db"))

# Create a cursor to execute SQL commands
cursor = mydb.cursor()

# Create a table in database if not exists
create table if not exists student (
   Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   ID varchar(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   Grade varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   Sex varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   date varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   Month varchar(5) NOT NULL,
   Year varchar(6) NOT NULL,
   Degree varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   Stream varchar(50) NOT NULL,
   Phone varchar(20) NOT NULL,
   Email varchar(50) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
   Address varchar(150) NOT NULL

Step 4. Creating the GUI for the application

In this step we will be creating the UI of the student management system. Some of the main components of the GUI are labels, label frames, input fields, radio buttons, list box, tree view and buttons.

  • Creating UI elements: In this section of the code, several UI elements such as labels,label frame and entry widgets are created for the student management system. These include labels for the title, student’s information, student’s ID, student’s name, student’s grade, student’s gender, student’s date of birth, student’s degree, student’s stream, student’s phone number, student’s email and student’s address.
  • Placing UI elements: These UI elements are then placed on the main window of the application using the .place() method. The position and size of each element is specified using the relx, rely, height, and width parameters.
  • Configuring UI elements: The look and feel of the UI elements are configured using the .configure() method. This includes setting the background color, font, text, and anchor of each element.
  • Creating entry widgets for UI elements: Entry widgets are also created for each label, which will be used to enter the data for each student.
  • Creating button for adding data to database: A button is created to add the entered data in entry widgets to database
  • Creating label frame for student information: A label frame is created for student information where all the above-mentioned UI elements are placed.
  • Creating label for title: A label is created for the title of the application.

Adding all these elements to the main window of the application, creating a cohesive and functional user interface.

#------------------------  Creating UI  ------------------------

# Creating a label for title
Label_School = tk.Label(), rely=0.0, height=60, width=1358)
Label_School.configure(background="#73d3ff", foreground="#0d1160", font="-family {OCR A Std} -size 30 -weight bold", text="DataFlair - Student Management System",anchor="center")

# Creating a label Frame for Student's Information
Left_Student_Information = tk.LabelFrame(), rely=0.099, relheight=0.800, relwidth=0.377)
Left_Student_Information.configure(relief='groove', text='''Student's Information''', font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 18 -weight bold -slant italic ", foreground="black", background="#7bffa7")

# Creating label for Student's ID
Student_ID = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.080, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Student_ID.configure(background="#613b84", font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Student's ID", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Name
Student_Name = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.165, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Student_Name.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Student Name", anchor="center")

# Creating label for Student's Grade
Grade = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.250, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Grade.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Grades", anchor="center")

# Creating label for Student's gender
Sex = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.335, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Sex.configure(background="#613b84", font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Gender", anchor="center")

# Creating label for Student's Date of Birth
Date_of_Birth = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.420, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Date_of_Birth.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Date of Birth", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Degree
Degree = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.505, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Degree.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Degree", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Stream
Stream = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.590, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Stream.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Stream", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Phone Number
Phone_Number = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.675, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Phone_Number.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Phone Number", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Email
Email = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.760, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Email.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Email", anchor="center" )

# Creating label for Student's Address
Address = tk.Label(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.845, height=31, width=160, bordermode='ignore')
Address.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Address", anchor="center" )

# Creating input field for Student's ID
Entry_Student_ID = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.080, height=30, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Student_ID.configure(background="black",font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Student_ID.insert(0, "Enter Student ID")
Entry_Student_ID.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Student_ID.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Name
Entry_Student_Name = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.165, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Student_Name.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Student_Name.insert(0, "Enter Student Name")
Entry_Student_Name.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Student_Name.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Grade
Entry_Grade = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.250, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Grade.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Grade.insert(0, "Enter Student Grade")
Entry_Grade.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Grade.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating radio button for selecting Student's gender
Radiobutton_Sex_Male = tk.Radiobutton(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.33, relheight=0.059, relwidth=0.217, bordermode='ignore')
Radiobutton_Sex_Male.configure(text="Male", variable=var, value=1, command=male_selected, state="active", background="#7bffa7", foreground="black")

Radiobutton_Sex_Female = tk.Radiobutton(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.335, relheight=0.059, relwidth=0.252, bordermode='ignore')
Radiobutton_Sex_Female.configure(text="Female", variable=var, value=2, command=female_selected,state= "normal", background="#7bffa7", foreground="black")

# Creating input fields for Student's Date of Birth
Entry_Date = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.420, relheight=0.059, relwidth=0.106, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Date.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Date.insert(0, "DD")
Entry_Date.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Date.delete('0', 'end'))

Entry_Month = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.420, relheight=0.059, relwidth=0.125, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Month.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Month.insert(0, "MM")
Entry_Month.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Month.delete('0', 'end'))

Entry_Year = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.420, relheight=0.059, relwidth=0.183, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Year.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Year.insert(0, "YYYY")
Entry_Year.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Year.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Degree
Entry_Degree = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.505, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Degree.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Degree.insert(0, "Enter Student Degree")
Entry_Degree.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Degree.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Stream
Entry_Stream = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.590, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Stream.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Stream.insert(0, "Enter Student Stream")
Entry_Stream.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Stream.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Phone Number
Entry_Phone_Number = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.675, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Phone_Number.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Phone_Number.insert(0, "Enter Student Phone Number")
Entry_Phone_Number.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Phone_Number.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Email
Entry_Email = tk.Entry(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.760, height=29, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Email.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")
Entry_Email.insert(0, "Enter Student Email")
Entry_Email.bind("<FocusIn>", lambda args: Entry_Email.delete('0', 'end'))

# Creating input field for Student's Address
Entry_Address = tk.Text(Left_Student_Information), rely=0.845, relheight=0.1, relwidth=0.488, bordermode='ignore')
Entry_Address.configure(background="black",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold", foreground="white")

# Creating frame for the right side of the window
Frame_right = tk.Frame(), rely=0.099, relheight=0.890, relwidth=0.607)
Frame_right.configure(relief='groove', borderwidth="2", background="#Fd7c45")

# Creating a listbox inside the frame
upper_box = tk.Listbox(Frame_right), rely=0.100, relheight=0.300, relwidth=0.960)

# Creating a label for the listbox
label = tk.Label(Frame_right), rely=0.050, relheight=0.050, relwidth=0.960)
label.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Student Database Information", anchor="center")

# Creating column tree inside the listbox
tree = ttk.Treeview(upper_box, columns=('ID', ' Name', 'Grade', 'Gender', 'Date of Birth', 'Degree', 'Stream', 'Phone Number', 'Email', 'Address')), rely=0.100, relheight=0.300, relwidth=0.960)
tree.heading('#0', text='Name')
tree.heading('#1', text='ID')
tree.heading('#2', text='Grade')
tree.heading('#3', text='Gender')
tree.heading('#4', text='Date of Birth')
tree.heading('#5', text='Degree')
tree.heading('#6', text='Stream')
tree.heading('#7', text='Phone Number')
tree.heading('#8', text='Email')
tree.heading('#9', text='Address')
tree.column('#0', width=150, anchor='center')
tree.column('#1', width=50, anchor='center')
tree.column('#2', width=60, anchor='center')
tree.column('#3', width=60, anchor='center')
tree.column('#4', width=100, anchor='center')
tree.column('#5', width=70, anchor='center')
tree.column('#6', width=60, anchor='center')
tree.column('#7', width=90, anchor='center')
tree.column('#8', width=120, anchor='center')
tree.column('#9', width=120, anchor='center')

# Creating second listbox inside the frame
lower_box = tk.Listbox(Frame_right), rely=0.600, relheight=0.300, relwidth=0.960)
lower_box.configure(background="black", font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="white", highlightbackground="white", highlightcolor="black")

#create a label for the listbox
label2 = tk.Label(Frame_right), rely=0.550, relheight=0.050, relwidth=0.960)
label2.configure(background="#613b84",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 17", foreground="white", text="Student Search Information", anchor="center")

# Creating column tree inside the listbox
tree2 = ttk.Treeview(lower_box, columns=('ID', ' Name', 'Grade', 'Gender', 'Date of Birth', 'Degree', 'Stream', 'Phone Number', 'Email', 'Address')), rely=0.600, relheight=0.300, relwidth=0.960)
tree2.heading('#0', text='Name')
tree2.heading('#1', text='ID')
tree2.heading('#2', text='Grade')
tree2.heading('#3', text='Gender')
tree2.heading('#4', text='Date of Birth')
tree2.heading('#5', text='Degree')
tree2.heading('#6', text='Stream')
tree2.heading('#7', text='Phone Number')
tree2.heading('#8', text='Email')
tree2.heading('#9', text='Address')
tree2.column('#0', width=150, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#1', width=50, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#2', width=60, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#3', width=60, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#4', width=100, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#5', width=70, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#6', width=60, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#7', width=90, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#8', width=120, anchor='center')
tree2.column('#9', width=120, anchor='center')

# Creating a frame for the action buttons
Button_Frame = tk.Frame(), rely=0.890, relheight=0.10, relwidth=0.377)
Button_Frame.configure(relief='groove', borderwidth="2", background="#E4a400")

# Creating add buttons to add student information into the database
Button_ADD = tk.Button(Button_Frame), rely=0.200, height=40, width=70)
Button_ADD.configure(background="#b423d8", borderwidth="5", font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="#000000", highlightbackground="#d9d9d9", highlightcolor="black", pady="0", text='''ADD''', command=add_info)

# Creating search buttons to search student information in the database
Button_SEARCH = tk.Button(Button_Frame), rely=0.200, height=40, width=85)
Button_SEARCH.configure(background="#b423d8", borderwidth="5",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="#000000", highlightbackground="#d9d9d9", highlightcolor="black", pady="0", text='''SEARCH''', command=search_info)

# Creating update buttons to update student information in the database view
Button_REFRESH = tk.Button(Button_Frame), rely=0.200, height=40, width=85)
Button_REFRESH.configure(background="#b423d8", borderwidth="5", font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="#000000", highlightbackground="#d9d9d9", highlightcolor="black", pady="0", text='''REFRESH''', command=refresh_info)

# Creating update buttons to update student information in the database
Button_DELETE = tk.Button(Button_Frame), rely=0.200, height=40, width=80)
Button_DELETE.configure(background="#b423d8", borderwidth="5",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="#000000", highlightbackground="#d9d9d9", highlightcolor="black", pady="0", text='''DELETE''', command=delete_student)

# Creating update buttons to update student information in the database
Button_RESET = tk.Button(Button_Frame), rely=0.200, height=40, width=80)
Button_RESET.configure(background="#b423d8", borderwidth="5",  font="-family {Segoe UI} -size 14", foreground="#000000", highlightbackground="#d9d9d9", highlightcolor="black", pady="0", text='''RESET''', command=reset_info)

Step 5: Adding Functionality to UI elements

  • Defining variables: Two variables are defined in this section of the code, ar and sex. The variable var is used for the radio button and the variable sex is used to store the gender of the student.
  • Defining function for radio button: Two functions, female_selected() and male_selected() are defined. These functions are used to set the sex variable to “Female” or “Male” when the respective radio button is selected.
  • Defining function for adding student information to database: The function add_info() is defined to add the student information entered in the UI elements to the database. The function gets the data from the Entry widgets and assigns them to variables. It then displays a message box asking for confirmation and proceeds to insert the data into the database if confirmed.
  • Defining function for deleting student information: The function delete_student() is defined to delete a student’s information from the database. It gets the id of the student to be deleted and displays a confirmation message box. If confirmed, it deletes the student’s information from the database and displays a message box indicating success.
  • Defining function for resetting fields: The function reset_info() is defined to reset all the fields of the UI elements. It deletes the data in all the Entry widgets and radio buttons, effectively resetting them.
  • Defining function for searching student information: The function search_info() is defined to search a student’s information in the database by matching name, id or email. It then displays it on the screen through the treeview UI we defined earlier.
  • Defining function to refresh the information: The function refresh_info() is defined to refresh the information being shown to the user on screen. It refreshes and shows the newly added data at the top of treeview UI.

Using these functions to provide functionality to UI elements, allowing users to add, delete, and reset student information in the database through the user interface.

var = 0 # Variable for radio button

sex = "none" # Variable for gender

# If female radio button is selected then
# value of sex variable will be set to "Female"
def female_selected():
    global sex
    sex = "Female"
    return sex

# If male radio button is selected then
# value of sex variable will be set to "Male"
def male_selected():
    global sex
    sex = "Male"
    return sex

# Add student information to database
def add_info():
    global sex
    name = Entry_Student_Name.get()
    grade = Entry_Grade.get()
    sex = sex
    id = Entry_Student_ID.get()
    date = Entry_Date.get()
    month = Entry_Month.get()
    year = Entry_Year.get()
    degree = Entry_Degree.get()
    stream = Entry_Stream.get()
    phone = Entry_Phone_Number.get()
    email = Entry_Email.get()
    address = Entry_Address.get(1.0, "end-1c")

   #Here proceedOrNot is a variable which is used to store the return value of askyesno() method
   #askyesno() method is used to display a dialog box with yes and no button
   #If yes button is clicked then it returns 1 else it returns 0
   proceedOrNot = messagebox.askyesno("Student Adding", "Are You Sure add Student \nName = {}\nId = {}\nGrade = {}\nSex = {}\ndate = {}/{}/{}\nDegree = {}\nStream = {}\nPhone = {}\nEmail = {}\nAddress = {}".format(name, id, grade, sex, date, month, year, degree, stream, phone, email, address))

    if proceedOrNot == 1:

       # Inserting data into database
       cursor.execute("insert into student values ('"+name+"', '"+id+"', '"+grade+"', '"+sex+"', '"+date+"', '"+month+"', '"+year+"' , '"+degree+"', '"+stream+"', '"+phone+"', '"+email+"', '"+address+"')")
       # Displaying a message box if data is inserted successfully
       messagebox.showinfo("Student Adding", "Successfully added Student \nName = {}\nId = {}\nGrade = {}\nSex = {}\ndate = {}/{}/{}\nDegree = {}\nStream = {}\nPhone = {}\nEmail = {}\nAddress = {}".format(name, id, grade, sex, date, month, year, degree, stream, phone, email, address))
       # Commiting changes to database


       # Displaying a message box if data is not inserted successfully
       messagebox.showinfo("Unsuccessfull", "Cancelled")

# Function to update student information
def delete_student():

   # Getting id of student to delete
   id = Entry_Student_ID.get()

   #Here proceedOrNot is a variable which is used to store the return value of askyesno() method
   proceedOrNot = messagebox.askyesno("Student Information", "Delete Student ?\nId = {} ".format(id))

    if proceedOrNot == 1:

       # Deleting student information from database
       cursor.execute(" delete from student where id = '"+id+"' ")

       # Commiting changes to database

       # Displaying a message box if data is deleted successfully
       messagebox.showinfo("Deleting Student", "Successfully deleted Student \n Id = {}".format(id))

       # Displaying a message box if data is not deleted successfully
       messagebox.showinfo("Unsuccessfully", "Canceled")

# Function to reset all fields
def reset_info():
   Entry_Student_ID.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Grade.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Student_ID.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Date.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Month.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Year.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Degree.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Stream.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Phone_Number.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Email.delete(0, 40)
   Entry_Address.delete(1.0, "end-1c")

# Function to update student informations displayed in treeview
def refresh_info():
   # Deleting previous data from treeview

   # Fetching data from database
   cursor.execute("select * from student")

   for i in cursor:
       #inserting data into treeview. Start from 0
       tree.insert("", 0, text=i[0], values=(i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]+" - "+i[5]+" - "+i[6], i[7], i[8], i[9], i[10], i[11]))

# Function to search student information from database
def search_info():
    id = Entry_Student_ID.get()
    name = Entry_Student_Name.get()
    email = Entry_Email.get()

   # Deleting previous data from treeview
    if tree2.get_children() != ():

   # Fetching data from database
   cursor.execute("select * from student where id = '"+id+"' or Email = '"+email+"' or name like '"+name+"%' ")

   for i in cursor:
       #inserting data into treeview. Start from 0
       tree2.insert("", 0, text=i[0], values=(i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4]+" - "+i[5]+" - "+i[6], i[7], i[8], i[9], i[10], i[11]))

Python Student Management System Output

python student management system output


Hooray! You have successfully completed the project and created a simple Student Management System using Tkinter and SQLite3. The project allows you to add, delete, and reset student information in the database through the user interface. With this project, you have gained the skills to design and develop a basic database-driven project using Tkinter and SQLite3.

You can now expand upon this basic project by adding more features and functionality to suit your specific needs. Congratulations on completing this project!

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