Features of Python Django Framework

There are many alternatives to Django that you could choose from for your web application. Every framework is unique in its own way. It would be better if we get a brief view of what a framework can help accomplish before deciding to use it.

Is Django really a better alternative over other frameworks? Can you rely on Django for your web application development? Is Django worth learning?

Let us take a look at the features of Django in this tutorial.

Features of Python Django Framework

1. Portable

Since Django is a Python-based web framework it runs on almost all platforms. Almost all Linux flavors, Windows Editions, and Mac Versions support Django. Django is also officially supported by many web-hosting server platforms that even provide detailed documentation on hosting Django Applications on their servers.

2. Speed

Frameworks are usually developed to make the application development process easier and faster without having to write code from scratch to even simple things.
Django acts as a Catalyst while Developing Web Applications compared to other backend frameworks. Django provides Comfort and makes the development of complex and data-driven websites much easier.

3. Security

Django developers made security a priority while developing the language. Django has inbuilt standard encryption packages required to secure the website. The framework architecture defends common security issues like Clickjacking, SQL vulnerabilities, and cross-site scripting. With a wide range of open source communities, Django usually comes first in fixing security vulnerabilities and alerts other frameworks.

Django’s application source code doesn’t show up in web browser source code and offers various other features like scanning uploaded content and access control security. Django is a versatile framework for the robust security it offers.

4. Batteries-included

Batteries-included literally means that Django has everything a developer needs to develop a web application. Here batteries refers to libraries and tools required for common use cases. Admin Interface, Session Management, Sitemaps, Authentication Packages, Django ORM, HTTP Libraries are “batteries”, simply because no other framework offers these tools that make the web development process easy-to-build.

5. Open Source and Huge Community

Django is an Open Source Framework, the GitHub Repository of Django receives more than 2000 contributions every month. Due to its wide adaptiveness among the technology industry and its open-source nature, updates are frequently released thus it’s a continuously evolving framework.

Beginners and programmers struck with a problem can easily find solutions due to its active community on the Internet.

6. SEO Friendly

Most of the Python source code is Human Readable, which makes it an SEO-Friendly framework. Sitemaps built-in with Django make it easier for developers to be unaware of Search Engine Optimization and yet enjoy its benefits.
Django lets you generate SEO-optimized URLs, it also provides various libraries to optimize the meta description of the webpage which will be used by search engines to rank the Website.

7. Scalability

Django can handle large amounts of traffic and provide API Usage to around 450+ million users. It is widely used among top technology industries like Dropbox which is a cloud technology for storing and sharing files.
Django makes applications scalable by providing the ability to plug and unplug default components. Developers can even extend their application by adding plugins seamlessly in a production application.

8. Thoroughly Tested

Frameworks usually have a low user base and aren’t adopted by a large community, unlike Programming Languages. There are a lot of frameworks for Web Development, but Django happens to be the most adopted framework. Therefore, it is continuously tested and improved by a large developer audience.

9. Superior Framework Documentation

When it comes to languages and frameworks, they evolve on a regular basis. It is also hard to find a textbook for a framework since publishers can’t release new editions regularly.

Having good documentation solves this issue especially when you’re learning a new framework. It is hard to find good documentation for framework technologies.

But it isn’t the case with Django. Django has great documentation and obeys Open Source Technology Documentation Standards. They even have topic guides, reference, and how-to guides to guide developers in solving key problems on their official website. If you run into any issue while programming, you can simply go through the documentation and resolve the issue.

10. Versatile

Typically frameworks are only used by the publishing industry on the Internet. Django is by far the most versatile framework. Developers can build almost anything, ranging from social networks to financial platforms. In fact, the framework name “Django” literally means – multifaceted nature.

11. DRY Principle

DRY is the Opposite principle of WET : We Edit Too Much.

When developing a web application, there is a lot of repetition involved such as working with HTML templates and business logic. Duplication also leads to maintenance issues and logical contradictions .

Django follows Don’t Repeat Yourself Philosophy, which forces developers to not have to write the code repeatedly.

12. Django’s ORM

ORM stands for Object Relational Mapper. Django’s ORM enables you to interact with databases in a convenient manner. Developers need not to learn SQL to manage their database and can entirely depend on Django’s ORM to handle even the complex things in the simplest possible manner.

13. Free Flow Coding

Django does not import any packages unlike any other framework. It is a complete package and does not ask for any imports and third party libraries. It doesn’t allow bad code or unwanted functions by default therefore developers avoid application bugs before it goes live to the production environment.

14. Multilingual Support

Django supports its websites according to the audience’s preferred language and formats. This feature allows developers to specify parts of the application required for translation, thus making your application reach a wide range of audience without having to develop separate sites for each language .

15. Admin Interface

Django’s Admin Interface can be a lifesaver for a lot of tasks. You can manage your databases, provide access controls to other users. Graphical User Interface can perform all the required CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) methods without having to rely on commands. The Default Admin Interface could save a lot of time for developers who need an Admin Interface .


Django is a full-stack web development framework kit as it offers various packages to build a fully functional application. It restricts the developers from relying on extra technologies by providing packages for almost everything.

  • Django-rest-framework to create APIs with Django .
  • Django-cors-headers package to create cross-origin site response requests .
  • Django-debug-toolbar to help developers debug Django Apps .
  • Django-allauth to allow local and social authentication .

There are many packages available, Django Developers need to simply use these packages according to their use case.


In this tutorial, we have learned various features of Django and how it is a better preference over other frameworks when developing a web application. Django is portable, secure, robust and battery included which makes it an ideal application for building large scale applications.

If you’re looking for a fast, secure, SEO optimized, community support, fully dependable framework then Django is your best bet.

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